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2022-12-04 1156 小Q


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Medicinal mushroom has a high health value

Mushroom contains bioactive substances such as: High score in the polysaccharide, β-glucose and RNA complexes, as well as natural organic germanium, nucleic acid degradation products, cAMP and triterpenes, such as the maintenance of human health has important value. Edible Fungi of Medicinal Value Health has: ① anticancer role: polysaccharide mushroom body will be able to stimulate antibody formation, improve and adjust the body's internal defense capabilities. Certain substances can reduce the incidence of tumor-induced, and a variety of chemotherapy drugs have synergistic effect. In addition chestnut mushroom rich in organic selenium, selenium can be used for food, if the long-term consumption of almost all cancer can be prevented. ② antibacterial, antiviral. ③ blood pressure, blood fat, anti-thrombosis, anti-arrhythmic, cardiac, etc.. ④ stomachic, help digestion. ⑤ Zhike Pingchuan, expectorant effects. ⑥ cholagogic, liver protection, detoxification. ⑦ hypoglycemic. ⑧ Tongbian diuretic. ⑨ Immunoregulation




1, Mulberry tea: Tea 6 g, 6 g of mulberry leaves into the cup, into hot water to drink. Its effectiveness: Shufeng heat, Qinggan eyesight, the role of step-down. Suitable for drinking in patients with high blood pressure.

2, chrysanthemum tea: Tea 6 g, 3 g dried chrysanthemum, the brewing water. Its effectiveness: Qu Shufeng heat, Liver eyesight, lowering blood pressure, anti-aging effect. Suitable for high blood pressure, high cholesterol in patients with drinking.

3, dry summer tea: Tea 6 g, 3 g Prunella, placing a brewing water 15 minutes after drinking. Its effectiveness is: # heat, Qinggan eyesight, the role of step-down. Suitable for drinking in patients with high blood pressure.

4, cassia seed tea: Tea 6 grams, 10 grams cassia broken up, into a decoction after drinking tea. Its effectiveness: Qinggan eyesight, blood pressure, Runchang effectiveness of the purge, often applied to irritability dizziness, constipation, dry mouth bitter. Note: Frequent acid waist, Yang Deficiency of the weak, not suitable for drinking.

5, Effects of tea: tea 6 g, 6 g puerarin stamp brewing water to drink after 15 minutes. Its effectiveness: Yang-sheng published Shengjinzhike, hypoglycemic effect. Suitable for drinking in patients with diabetes.

6, Dendrobium tea: Tea 6 g, 6 g Flickingeria into the cup, into hot water to drink. Its effectiveness: Yin nourish the stomach, heat Jin-sheng, a hypoglycemic effect. Suitable for drinking in patients with diabetes.

7, trichosanthin tea: Tea 6 g, 6 g trichosanthin brewing water. Its effectiveness: Qingfei dry lips, Yangwei Jin-sheng, Diabetes panacea, hypoglycemic effect. Suitable for drinking in patients with diabetes.

8, persimmon tea: 3 grams of tea, persimmon 3, 5 g crystal sugar. Zhu Lan crystal sugar will increase persimmon after drinking tea making facilities. Its effectiveness: Qi phlegm, Yipi Jianwei, suitable for drinking in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis.

9, Jiang Cha: 3 grams of tea, ginger 10, 30 grams very light blue Zabian cut small pot, add water, let boil into tea, ginger juice into a spoon, evenly mixed, while it is hot to drink. Its effectiveness: there are solutions sweating table, Wen Lung effectiveness of cough. Suitable for cold, cough patients Dengzheng drinking. After the bedtime drink, the better.

10, himalense: 2 grams of tea, 10 grams of brown sugar. Brew boiling water 5 minutes after the Yin Fu. The effectiveness: to warm the stomach and spleen, Buzhong effect. Appropriate access to the stool, as well as women's lower abdomen Leng Tong Deng Zheng dysmenorrhea patients to drink.

11, vinegar tea: 3 grams of tea, 2 ml mature vinegar, water brewing tea, 5 minutes Jiacuyinfu. Its effectiveness: the stomach and Zhili, San silt, to stop their effectiveness. Roundworm caused as a result of suitable patients with abdominal pain.

12, salt, tea: Qingcha 3 grams, 1 gram of salt, and serve to open blisters. Its effectiveness: there is Chufan heat, thirst-quenching Jin-sheng, nervous excitement, the elimination Fatigue effect. Irritability often applied to dizziness, dry mouth in patients suffering population.

13, Michelle Tea: 3 grams of tea brewed with boiling water, cold tea to be mixed after 3 ml honey, Jiao Yun, a service every half-hour meeting. Its effectiveness: there are nourishing and thirst, kidney Runfei effect. Yangan appropriate thirst, dry cough with phlegm and the treatment of pharyngitis, constipation Dengzheng patients.

14, Ilex: 6 grams of tea, 10 grams japonicus, Chang Yin brewing water. Its effectiveness: there is heat dissipation detoxification, Shengjinzhike effect. I suffer dry mouth in patients with suitable for drinking.

15, cold tea: 10 grams of tea, 200 ml of cold water immersion, each serving 50 to 150 ml, 3 times a day. Its effectiveness: the promotion of tea containing insulin synthetic material, to remove excess blood sugar, the governing diabetes can be cold tea. Suitable for drinking in patients with diabetes.

16, Tea Rose: 6 grams of tea, dried rose 10 into the cup, into hot water to drink. Its effectiveness: Sweet Rose of temperature. Appropriate emotional irritability were drinking.

17, Orange tea: Tea 5 grams, 6 grams orange peel, orange Piqie Si to increase with the bubble tea drink. Its effectiveness: Qi phlegm, cough Wen Lung effectiveness. Tanduo appropriate cough, expectoration in patients with drinking in a bad mood.
